Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach

James F. Kurose

Language: English

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Published: Jan 13, 2013


This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

&>Computer Networking continues with an early emphasis on application-layer paradigms and application programming interfaces (the top layer), encouraging a hands-on experience with protocols and networking concepts, before working down the protocol stack to more abstract layers.

This book has become the dominant book for this course because of the authors’ reputations, the precision of explanation, the quality of the art program, and the value of their own supplements.

Visit the authors’ blog for information and resources to discuss the newest edition, as well as valuable insights, teaching tips, and discussion about the field of Computer Networking


About the Author

James Kurose teaches at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His research interests include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. He received his PhD from Columbia University.

Keith Ross is a professor of computer science at Polytechnic University. He has worked in peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, video streaming, Web caching, multi-service loss networks, content distribution networks, voice over IP, optimization, queuing theory, optimal control of queues, and Markov decision processes. Professor Ross received his PhD in Computer and Control Engineering from the University of Michigan.